
Prinsip Meminjam

“Nak pinjam ke tak nak pinjam…” itu biasanya bukan satu pilihan! Kebanyakan daripada kita akan perlu meminjam untuk membeli kereta pertama atau rumah pertama (malah untuk sebahagian daripada kita, untuk berkahwin!) Namun tidak ramai yang tahu prinsip asas meminjam. Sebelum kita berbincang mengenai meminjam, mula-mula mari kita memahami beberapa komponen utama suatu pinjaman.

Apakah Komponen Utama Pinjaman?

Semua pinjaman, sama ada pinjaman kereta, pinjaman rumah atau pinjaman peribadi, terdiri daripada tiga komponen utama: Kadar faedah, cagaran dan tempoh.

Kadar Faedah

Kadar faedah ialah caj yang dikenakan oleh pemberi pinjaman kerana menggunakan duit mereka. Biasanya kadar faedah ditunjukkan dalam bentuk peratusan daripada jumlah pinjaman dalam setahun. Faedah yang dikenakan berdasarkan pengkompaunan (iaitu faedah-atas-faedah) dan ia boleh terdiri daripada pengkompaunan tahunan/ bulanan/ harian (satu lagi istilah yang digunakan ialah kiraan atas baki tahunan/bulanan/harian).

Terdapat dua jenis kadar faedah: tetap atau boleh ubah

Kadar tetap: tetap dan tidak berubah. Jika kadar faedah tetap anda ialah 6% setahun, ia akan kekal 6% setahun sepanjang tempoh pinjaman.

Kadar boleh ubah boleh bertukar mengikut masa dan biasanya ditetapkan pada kadar pasaran standard, seperti Kadar Pemberian Pinjaman Asas, BLR (BLR terkini = 6.75%). Sebagai contoh, anda mungkin mengambil pinjaman dengan kadar boleh ubah pada BLR + 1%. Ini bermakna, anda perlu membayar tambahan satu peratus kepada BLR atau berjumlah 7.75% setahun.


Semua pinjaman adalah sama ada bercagar atau tidak bercagar. Ini merujuk kepada sama ada pemberi pinjaman menghendaki anda mencagarkan aset, biasanya dirujuk sebagai cagaran, untuk menjamin pinjaman anda.

Jika anda mempunyai pinjaman bercagar, bermakna pemberi pinjaman anda boleh merampas aset jika anda mungkir menjelaskan hutang pinjaman. Oleh kerana terdapat cara alternatif pembayaran balik, faedah dalam pinjaman bercagar adalah lebih rendah berbanding dengan faedah pinjaman tidak bercagar.

Apabila anda membiayai pembelian kereta anda melalui pinjaman bank, anda sebenarnya adalah penyewa (bukan pemilik) kereta yang anda pandu sehingga anda selesai membayar sepenuhnya pinjaman anda! Begitulah juga dalam kes pinjaman rumah, bank akan memiliki 'tuntutan pemilikan' terhadap rumah tersebut sehingga anda selesai membayar sepenuhnya pinjaman rumah.

Dalam pinjaman tidak bercagar, tiada aset yang boleh dirampas oleh bank jika mungkir membayar balik pinjaman. Bersama dengan risiko ini, pinjaman tidak bercagar selalunya mempunyai kadar faedah yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan pinjaman bercagar. Untuk mengurangkan risiko, institusi Pemberian Pinjaman kadang kala menghendaki orang ketiga menandatangani perjanjian bagi pinjaman tidak bercagar atau menjamin jumlah pinjaman.


Tempoh suatu pinjaman ialah jangka masa si peminjam perlu membayar balik pinjaman. Kebanyakan pinjaman peribadi/kereta mempunyai tempoh 3 ke 9 tahun, manakala tempoh pinjaman rumah adalah jauh lebih lama dan biasanya boleh mencapai sehingga 30 tahun! Tempoh adalah jangka masa maksimum untuk si peminjam membayar balik pinjaman mereka; pinjaman boleh dijelaskan sebelum tempoh tamat (tetapi mungkin denda akan dikenakan untuk penyelesaian awal!)

Apakah Prinsip Asas Meminjam?

Setelah memahami komponen-komponen pinjaman, kita sekarang sudah bersedia untuk mempelajari beberapa prinsip asas meminjam.

Prinsip 1: Meminjam untuk sesuatu yang anda perlukan – bukan yang anda mahukan.

Sebelum ini, kita sudah membincangkan tentang perbezaan antara Keperluan dan Kehendak, malah dalam situasi meminjam, perbezaan ini amatlah penting untuk kita fahami. Anda hanya perlu meminjam untuk suatu yang anda benar-benar perlu tetapi tidak mempunyai duit tunai untuk membayarnya. Sebagai contoh, untuk membeli rumah kita, untuk membiayai pendidikan lanjutan anak-anak kita dan untuk membeli sebuah kereta (kita akan bincangkan hal ini kemudian).

Prinsip 2:Meminjam sejumlah duit di dalam kemampuan anda untuk membayar balik.

Ini mungkin logik tetapi malangnya, ia bukan amalan biasa. Ramai orang terlebih memberi komitmen dalam hutang kerana menyangka bahawa ekonomi akan terus berkembang dan situasi yang baik akan terus kekal. Tidak perlu dikatakan, bila tiba masanya, mereka ini akan menghadapi kesukaran untuk membuat bayaran balik dan perampasan kereta dan harta mula dikuatkuasakan. Sebagai contoh, krisis pinjaman terkini di Amerika Syarikat.
Adalah disarankan bahawa seseorang patut menghadkan jumlah bayaran balik pinjaman kepada, kurang daripada 1/3 pendapatan kasarnya.

Prinsip 3: Elakkan daripada meminjam untuk membiayai aset yang susut nilai

Ini mungkin akan menyinggung sesetengah orang tetapi ia adalah prinsip yang baik untuk diikuti. Aset yang susut nilai adalah harta yang hilang nilainya mengikut masa, seperti kereta (melainkan anda “melabur” dalam kereta klasik), perabot dan kebanyakan barang dan peralatan rumah. Tidak memerlukan seorang profesor ekonomi untuk memberitahu anda bahawa meminjam dengan bunga yang agak tinggi (mungkin setinggi 20% setahun untuk sesetengah barang!) untuk membeli “aset-aset” ini, tidak ekonomik langsung. Barangan ini akan susut nilai dengan cepat sementara pinjaman anda berkurangan dengan agak lambat. Dalam situasi di mana anda tidak dapat menjelaskan hutang, barangan tersebut akan dirampas dan anda mesti menambah nilai yang kurang kerana aset susut nilai anda tidak cukup untuk menjelaskan baki pinjaman.

Cuba membeli barang-barang ini secara tunai dari simpanan anda daripada meminjam. Jika tidak, jangan beli (melainkan ia akan menguntungkan perniagaan anda!)

Prinsip 4: Elakkan Daripada Menjadi Penjamin

Seorang penjamin bertanggungjawab menjelaskan pinjaman dalam hal si peminjam mungkir membayar balik pinjaman atas apa saja alasan. Melainkan seorang itu bersedia untuk menunaikan tanggungjawab ini, seorang patut elak daripada menjadi penjamin.

Prinsip 5: Si Peminjam Mempunyai Komitmen Moral dan Mutlak Untuk Membayar Balik

Pernahkah anda bertemu dengan seseorang yang telah meminjam daripada anda tetapi masih belum membayar balik? Bagaimana anda rasa? Kecewa? Ditipu? Dikhianati? Ya, ia memang bukan satu perasaan yang baik dan anda tidak patut memberi sebarang alasan untuk tidak membayar balik hutang apabila anda telah berjanji untuk melakukannya.

Jika anda menghadapi kesukaran untuk membayar balik, berbincanglah dengan si pemberi pinjaman agar dapat membuat pelan bayaran balik yang munasabah tetapi jangan sesekali diam atau lari. Jika tidak, jangan pinjam!


Jika anda perlu pinjam, pinjamlah! Walaubagaimanapun, pastikan anda sudah jelas memahami prinsip-prinsip meminjam sebelum memberi komitmen padanya. Setelah anda meminjam, hakikatnya anda telah membuat komitmen untuk membayar balik dan pastikan diri anda, sebagai seorang yang bertanggungjawab, menunaikan komitmen tersebut pada setiap masa.

Allah is always by your side, Insha Allah, Insha Allah, Insha Allah


Make your millions safely and quickly from “hartanah”.

Make your millions safely and quickly from “hartanah”.

In my journey to help individuals achieve their financial independence through educated investment in real estate, one of the things that worry me most is the way some newcomers invest in property. I have received plenty of feedback from young investors about their methodology and views on how they invest. As much as I respect and admire their zest and energy, I also feel that they are naive and lack understanding of real estate investments. The urge to succeed, impatience and lack of direction in property investment can be very dangerous and potentially put them in a monetary-losing position.

“How does one start investing in real estate and why?” If your answer to that question is ‘new projects because it is simple and straightforward’, then you might fall into a potential property investor trap. Now, I have nothing personal against new developments or developers. Personally, I have invested in new projects and continue to do so. But for the life of me, I will not say that it is “simple and straightforward”! Thereʼs nothing “simple and straightforward” about property investment. True, it can become easier as time goes by, when you have more experience, but it is never simple.

So how do you know whether a property is a ‘good buy’ or not?
In a secondary market, it is quite easy to determine if a property is a ‘good buy’. Secondary market is the most organically driven market of all. What drives the secondary market is the fundamental law of economics—demand and supply. Deals are made where there is a willing buyer and a willing seller, willing landlord and willing tenant. Prices of properties are also influenced by rental returns. There are many avenues on how you can determine the true value of properties, i.e. from the banks, valuers, NAPIC (National Property Information Centre) and professional map makers such as Ho Chin Soon.

This gives you a realistic picture of the past and present developments in that market. With these data, you can easily extrapolate the future value and make a rational decision on whether to invest or not.

Now, what about buying from developers?
What is the driving force in determining whether it is a ‘good buy’ from developers? Most information is provided by the developers themselves and it can be true or it could have been made “marketable”. The question is, how do you, as a newcomer, determine the true value of what is said by the developers or make a good judgement on which projects to invest in? Apart from attending courses such as Juanita Chin’s ‘Breaking the Code: Secrets of buying from property developers’ to discover how to assess new projects, the answer lies in the secondary market!

You can find a lot of information from the secondary market—the current selling prices, rental returns, take-up rates and even vacancy rates for existing properties. You can also find out about other factors such as the area’s target market, its population growth and potential tenant mix. Using all these information is fundamental in determining your best development project, no?

So, in order to make good decisions, when buying from developers, one needs to master the fundamental rules of buying in a secondary market first. Like in every good game, there are always levels to play. In the game of real estate, the first basic level should be the secondary market. Knowing and understanding the secondary market is vital for newcomers. It is the stepping stone to becoming a good investor for new projects. Therefore, it is my opinion that one must first understand and invest in the secondary market prior to entering new project markets.

Please note that the opinion above is only limited to my own experience. I am sure that there are many successful investors who are big fans of new project investment strategies. I acknowledge your successes. My main intention of sharing is to assist anyone who enters into the world of property investment and help them thrive and become success safely.

In my next article, I will dwell a little bit more into this topic and touch on the speed of obtaining financial independence. Until then, happy investing.

In the second part of this write-up, let’s look at the overall picture. Instead of asking which is better, primary or secondary market, ask yourself, “How many properties or how much in total value (RM) do you need to acquire before you can safely retire?” You should decide on your finish line before starting the race.

Once you’ve determined your finish line, e.g. the total value of property you would like to acquire, then decide how long you would like to take to achieve this number. How much time do you give yourself to acquire that total amount? Ideally, you shouldn’t take longer than five years. Now that you’ve got these two numbers, congratulations, you now have an achievable goal, both in total value (RM or number of properties) versus the deadline to complete your acquisition.

Ok, this is the part where we turn up the heat. How do you do it quicker, safely?

"How many properties do you need to buy in order to achieve your financial goals and how quickly do you want to do it?"

Now, this is a very technical question that involves financing the deals. Assuming that you are not an heir or heiress to a multi-billion dollar empire, most newcomers would need to take a loan to finance their deals. Assuming that you’ve determined your financial freedom number and have decided on the number of properties you can buy, the next question is, “How fast do you want to be financial free?” The answer would usually be, “The shortest possible time.”

Leverage on loans
The secret is to make the banks your best friend. For the life of me, I cannot understand why people do not leverage on loans. My key to financial freedom is through leverage. So, in terms of investing into property, a lot will depend on how much you can borrow. Do you know that the total amount of loan you can borrow is dependant on how much you earn as well as how much existing loans you have?

There’s two parts of this equation. How much you earn versus How much are your borrowings? These two parts will determine how fast you can go in terms of property investment. Just think of it like a scale. Neither side should be too heavy, otherwise the scales will tip. If it’s heavy on the income side, it just means that you’re not investing enough. If the borrowing side becomes too heavy, it means that you may not be allowed to obtain new loans.

To understand this further, let me explain what income and borrowing is. Your income is derived from your salary, commissions, dividends, rental and so forth. Your borrowings include credit cards, personal loans, car loans and housing loans. So technically speaking, you can go as fast as you can, so long as the scale do not tip to one side too much. For most banks, the ratio is about 0.4. This means that your borrowing must not be more than 40% or your income. Some banks allow up to 0.8 these days. Please check with your friendly neighbourhood banker for more up-to-date information regarding these ratios.

Primary vs. Secondary market
What has income and borrowing got to do with primary and secondary market properties? Let me elaborate:

• Primary market properties, i.e. purchase off the plan or from developers, adds solely to the borrowing.
• Secondary market properties, i.e. purchase from third party buyers or auctions, adds to both borrowing and income via rental.

Therefore, the secondary market has more potential to balance the scales, allowing more purchases to be made.

Most newcomers have relatively low income from salary and/or commissions. Therefore, it is advisable to stretch the loans as much as possible and look for properties that give rental returns i.e. the secondary market. If you were to purchase a project that has yet to be built or is under construction, this would tie-down your credit because the property is not ready for rental yet. You would have to wait for two to three years before you can invest again. If you are highly geared and cannot purchase anymore, then you’ll have to sit out on all the good deals and opportunities that come along. Trust me, that’s no fun.

However, do learn how to pace yourself throughout the journey. This should be a marathon, not a sprint. There are only two ways to profit from property — capital appreciation and rental returns. Learn to master both strategies to get you to your finish line faster and safely.

Capital first
My advice is to always start with capital first. Like all investments, property is capital intensive. The best way to get capital is from income sources. Cultivate good saving habits by saving your salary, bonuses and/or commissions. Ideally, start investing in property only when you have RM3,000 to RM5,000.

Then focus on cash flow. Why? Because it is good for you and the banks. Look into properties that give you good rental returns. Anything from 6% to 10% is good. My average investment portfolio stands about 8.5% p.a.

Once you get the hang of it, you can start investing for capital returns. Use investment strategies like No-Money-Down, flipping (buy-to-sell) through auctions, or buying from developers and selling upon completion. There’s no hard and fast rule to it, but I try to keep my developer profile to only one a year. The rest of the year, I invest in secondary market only. I seldom purchase auctioned properties. It’s just my personal preference.

Alternating strategies takes time and experience. Be patient and learn from both your successes and mistakes. It is important to go easy on yourself. Learn to roll with the punches. So if you make an error, learn how to correct it, learn from it and move on. It only becomes a failure when you give up.

Take care of your investments
Always seek professional advice to deal with your property matters. Hire accountants, tax consultants, good lawyers, bankers and so forth, to help you develop a healthy profile. Some people like to look for opportunities to get rich quickly. My advice? Don’t. Declare and pay your taxes, get consultants and pay them well and set up a proper structure to manage your portfolio wisely. Understand that you are in this for the long-term. If you take care of your investments now, they will take care of you for life. If you want drama or excitement instead, might I suggest jumping off a bridge with a rope around your ankle. Keep property investments safe and boring.

These days, the market is “hot”. I hope and wish that all investors make tonnes of money. Please invest wisely and avoid getting burnt.

In my next article, I’ll share about the secrets to finding good property bargains in the market. Until then, happy investing.


$ management skills for children – Part 2

$ management skills for children – Part 2

In part one of this topic, Carol Yip outlined the importance of instilling money management skills for children aged two to 12 years old. In this second instalment, Yip shares what parents should do for children aged 13 years old until when they enter university.

Secondary school − 13 to 15
By middle school, children know how money is earned and spent. They also probably understand how hard it is to earn money or how quickly it can disappear.

1. Encourage children to start babysitting or do odd jobs around the neighbourhood. This shows them how hard you have to work to earn money.

2. Make allowance payments bi-weekly instead of weekly. This teaches children to budget their money over a longer period of time.

3. Increase your expectations for what the allowance will cover and things that your children want to buy. Discuss with them about their material needs and wants − if they can delay gratifications, find cheaper substitutes or not buying at all.

4. Tie the allowance to a list of weekly chores around the house. Reduce the allowance if chores aren't completed or done appropriately.

5. Ask your children to observe how you negotiate and bargain for better prices (value for money) when you shop with your children in a wet market, at neighbourhood groceries shops, pasar malam (night market) or flea market. Shopping in supermarkets and departmental stores does not allow you to teach your children negotiation and bargaining skills which are required in the corporate and business world.

Secondary school − 16 to 18 and university
Teens and young adults know a lot about money. It is a time where they want their freedom but have yet to gain financial independence. This is the opportunity to fine-tune their money knowledge and teach them principles of cash flow management, budgeting and investments.

1. Encourage your teenage children to find a part-time job. This teaches children to keep to a work schedule and balance their studies, work and life.

2. Make sure that your children continue to put some earnings into their savings account for the future and emergencies. Teach your young adult teens the concept of EPF contribution, SOCSO and PAYE when they start their first job, and tell them that they have to pay for their insurance premium when they get their first pay check.

3. If you continue to provide allowance for your children, switch to once-a-month payouts.

4. Expand your young adults’ financial responsibilities to include gas, cell phone bills and/or house utility bills. Teach them the importance of contributing to the family’s expenses and pay for their own expenses as well. They can keep a record of their daily spending and account for the expense at the end of the month with their monthly allowance.

5. Let your teens draw up the plans for a birthday party or your next family trip, and tell them the budget for the event or trip.

$ management skills for children

$ management skills for children

You can equip your children with money management skills to give them a head-start in life. Once they understand the importance and have mastered the skills of making ends meet, they can achieve financial independence at an early age. With that comes personal accountability for their actions. Your children’s financial independence would mean that you don’t have to watch over them so closely and you gain peace of mind. You can even help them to buy their own first house using their own money, to start being independent at an early age. Imagine what a great relief that would be!

You may think that your children are too young to learn money management skills, but the truth is that they're learning by watching how you deal with cash and credit cards, things that you buy and investments that you have. Take advantage of kids' built-in curiosity and advice them. After all, there is no difference between teaching your children money management skills and teaching them good manners, attitudes and values, reading and writing skills. It is all part of the daily communication with your children, and it takes you and your spouse to work as a team.

Remember that you and your spouse must adopt the right and effective teaching strategies and methods, with the same messages and intentions. Otherwise, your children will know who they can bully or take advantage of to get what they want without you realising it.

Toddlers − 2 to 3 years old
Toddlers may not be able to understand money, but they can certainly understand "stuff". By the age of two, the "gimmees" have probably already started. Instead of seeing these requests for toys and candy as a battle, see it as a chance to teach. Saying “No” to some of these requests shows toddlers that they can't always have what they want – a very valuable money lesson indeed because you are controlling the expectation of instant gratification at an early age. You introduce the concept of "later" by telling toddlers that they can't have what they want now, but wait and be patient to have it later or have it in the future. This sets the stage for lessons to manage instant gratification to avoid impulse spending and patience to save for big goals when your child is older.

Allah is always by your side, Insha Allah, Insha Allah, Insha Allah

Q&A: What can l do if tenants breach the tenancy agreement?


I have a tenancy agreement (signed and stamped) with the tenant stating that the rental deposit shall not be deemed to be or treated as payment of rent. If the tenants breach this term, what can l do? Worse still, if the tenants refuse to move out even after the rental deposit has been fully utilised as rent?

Thank you.



Dear Esther,

With regards to the terms and conditions in the tenancy agreement, it is a legal question which is best answered by a lawyer. However I will provide my opinion from an investor's prospective which hopefully will be able to provide some insight on managing your tenants.

For an investor, property investment is like a business. The tenant is the customer (buying a service/ product. In this case, renting a place to stay in exchange of an agreed upon sum of payment) and you are the business owner (the product/service). The bottom line for the continuation of any business is to make a profit. As such, the goal of property investment is to make a profit. As in most business operations, there has to be an allowance for bad debts. For a viable and sustainable property investment business, the bad debt should not be more than 5% of the total rental income for the year. The tenancy agreement is one of the important tenant management tools. It is just a formality and it is the last resort if all other efforts in rental collection fail.

In tenant management, be approachable and helpful but not overly friendly. Tenant selection is one of the most important steps in property rental business. You may tie-in an incentive for early rental payments. For example, 12 post-dated monthly rental payment cheques or a standing order to the bank for direct payment to your bank account. Do not get too distressed if the tenant does not pay the rental on time. This is just part and parcel of the property rental business. Have a reminder system in place such as an SMS, Internet and call. If the tenant fails to pay the rental within the first seven days of the month, call and find out their reasons. If it is reasonable, you may postpone the payment to a few days later or reschedule the payment accordingly on a case-to-case basis.

Educate your tenant on the rental payment requirements as the landlord has monthly repayments to a bank. The property may be auctioned if the due monthly repayments are more than three to six months. Keep good tenants by not raising the rental and eliminate the bad tenants by increasing the rental.

For a commercial property, you may support your tenant’s business by being their customer. If your tenant’s business is profitable, so will your property rental business. You may also contra or exchange the rental overdue with your tenant's products or services.

It is best to communicate and/or meet with the tenant and discuss how to resolve the outstanding amount. When all measures fail and the tenant has terminated all communication, then consult a good lawyer to consider the appropriate legal actions such as termination of the tenancy agreement, double rental, follow up with a distress order and/or eviction. Your lawyer would be the able to best advise you on the course of action based on the terms and conditions detailed in the tenancy agreement.

Wishing you all the best in becoming a Millionaire Landlord,

Allah is always by your side, Insha Allah, Insha Allah, Insha Allah

Pasaran Hartanah Malaysia Dijangka Berkembang Pada Tahun Depan

Gambar Hiasan

Pasaran Hartanah Malaysia Dijangka Berkembang Pada Tahun Depan

Pasaran hartanah akan terus berkembang pada tahun depan kerana tiada jangkaan kemunculan gelembong, kata perunding hartanah.

Mereka berkata minat belian yang kukuh dijangka diperolehi daripada pembeli asing dan banyak transaksi kediaman dijangka dilihat di kawasan bandar.

Pertumbuhan ekonomi positif di pasaran tempatan di tengah-tengah tinjauan ekonomi yang suram di Eropah dan AS akan turut melonjakkan pasaran, kata mereka.

Gelembong hartanah adalah satu tempoh peningkatan pantas di dalam penilaian harga perumahan atau hartanah sehingga ia mencapai paras yang tidak mampan dan diikuti oleh pengurangan harga.

Pengerusi Eksekutif Rahim & Co Chartered Surveyors Sdn Bhd Datuk Abdul Rahim Rahman berkata ini terbukti daripada peningkatan bilangan transaksi kediaman di Lembah Klang, Johor dan Pulau Pinang.

“Antara separuh pertama 2009 dan separuh pertama 2010, transaksi kediaman di kawasan berkenaan masing-masing meningkat 11 peratus, 47 peratus dan 7.0 peratus.

“Corak itu dijangka berterus pada tahun depan apabila ekonomi Malaysia bertambah baik,” kata Rahim kepada Bernama.

Rahim berkata harga hartanah kediaman terpilih di kawasan panas telah meningkat antara 20 dan 50 peratus sejak tiga tahun lepas.

Bagaimana pun, katanya kenaikan harga yang mendadak itu hanya dilihat di kawasan tertentu di Kuala Lumpur, Pulau Pinang dan Johor dan bagi projek khusus yang mendapat permintaan ramai.

Dengan pemantauan rapi keadaan oleh Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), bank-bank kini melakukan penilaian di segi nisbah pinjaman kepada nilai (LTV) bagi mengelakkan berlakunya pinjaman tidak berbayar (NPL).

Pada November, BNM telah mengenakan had LTV 70 peratus bagi pembelian hartanah ke-tiga bagi mengekang pelaburan dan spekulasi berlebihan.

“Langkah itu dijangka menyerderhanakan pelaburan dan spekulasi yang berlebihan, yang menghasilkan peningkatan harga yang lebih tinggi daripada sederhana di kawasan perbandaran tertentu,” kata Rahim.

Menurutnya, sambil langkah itu tidak akan menghentikan harga daripada meningkat, ia sekurang-kurang mengurangkannya.

Rahim berkata bagi mengekang pembelian spekulatif ke atas hartanah, negara-negara seperti China, Hong Kong dan Singapura telah melaksanakan nisbah pendahulan yang secara progresifnya lebih tinggi bagi para pembeli yang memiliki lebih daripada satu hartanah.

Pengarah Ho Chin Soon Research Ho Chin Soon mencadangkan dikenakan cukai keuntungan hartanah 30 peratus, diikuti oleh skala yang menurun hingga 5.0 peratus dan kemudiannya sifar peratus selepas lima tahun.

“Peraturan baharu itu dilihat tidak cukup untuk mengekang peningkatan harga hartanah.

“Lihatlah terhadap gelembong kecil sebaik sebelum berlaku krisis kewangan Asia. Ia memakan masa kira-kira tiga tahun bagi pembentukan gelembong kecil.

“Sehingga ini, kami telah melihat trend harga hartanah yang menaik bagi tempoh satu setengah tahun dan dengan itu, masih ada sekurang-kurangnya setahun lagi bagi melihat peningkatan harga,” katanya.

Kerajaan juga telah mengumumkan beberapa inisiatif bagi sektor hartanah semasa pembentangan Bajet 2011.

Sesetengah langkah itu, yang disifatkan mempunyai kesan positif terhadap pasaran, yang termasuk duti pengecualian setem 50 peratus bagi pembeli rumah pertama kali bagi membiayai pembelian rumah tidak melebihi RM350,000 dan 100 peratus pinjaman bagi membeli satu rumah bernilai di bawah RM220,000.

Rahim berkata pengecualian duti setem bagi pembeli pertama kali, sememangnya akan memberikan mereka opsyen untuk membeli rumah, terutama rumah yang mempunyai tanah kerana kebanyakannya kini berharga di atas RM250,000.

Katanya pinjaman 100 peratus untuk membeli satu rumah bernilai kurang RM220,000 akan memberikan peluang kepada lebih ramai pembeli rumah yang muda, terutama sekali mereka yang baharu bekerja untuk memiliki satu rumah.

“Kedua-dua inisiatif itu akan merangsang permintaan mendapatkan rumah di kawasan bandar serta di lokasi di luar kawasan perbandaran,” katanya.

Bagaimana pun, Ho berkata Bajet 2011 hanya mempunyai kesan minimum ke atas keputusan hartanah kerana kebanyakan rumah di Lembah Klang bernilai di atas RM350,000.

Pengumuman utama yang lain pada tahun ini termasuk projek Transit Pantas Massa (MRT) dalam Kuala Lumpur dan cadangan menara Warisan Merdeka 100 tingkat di Kuala Lumpur, katanya.

Katanya kajian mengenai sistem pengangkutan massa menunjukkan nilai dan sewaan kemungkinan mencecah 25 peratus lebih tinggi jika sesuatu bangunan terletak berdekatan stesen MRT, yang menunjukkan kejayaan pembinaan stesen itu serta mudah diakses.

Rahim berkata satu kajian pasaran penuh dan kemungkinan perlu dilakukan bagi menentukan jika menara Warisan Merdeka berdaya maju di segi komersil dan pembiayaan berikutan lebnihan kapasiti di segi ruang komersil di Lembah Klang.

Allah is always by your side, Insha Allah, Insha Allah, Insha Allah


Duplex Condo Armanee, Damansara Damai, RM 350,000 (Nego)

Armanee Condominium, Damansara Damai
Armanee Condo is the first condominium in Kuala Lumpur with double-storey concept.
Located towards the end of Jalan PJU 10/1C, next to a hill and surrounded by a lot of trees, the residents of Armani Condominium always get to enjoy a clean and refreshing air. Being only about 2 km away from famous shopping complexes such as IKEA, Tesco, The Curve and 1-Utama, many people will find this place very convenient to stay.
Coming with a Balinese concept, the Balinese ambiance is very obvious especially around the swimming pool area which is decorated with wooden furniture and surrounded by plenty of trees. Very grand with beautiful glasses and floor tiles lobby area, with Balinese feel.

Three elevators are dedicated in each wing to serve the residents.

Property Details
• Name: Armanee Condominium
• Address: Jalan PJU 8/1, Bandar Damansara Perdana, 47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
• Developer: MK Land
• Built-up: 1800sf
• Maintenance Fee: RM0.19 psf
• Situated on 9th Floor Block A

Property Type: Duplex
Tenure: Leasehold
Asking Price RM 350,000 (nego)
Bedrooms: 3+1
Bathrooms: 3
Unit type: Intermediate
Occupancy: Vacant
Furnishing: Unfurnished

• 2 car parks for each unit
• 24-hour security with card access and CCTV system
• 2 indoor badminton courts
• 2 tennis courts
• 4-acre central landscaping courtyard with 2 swimming pools, children wading pools, jacuzzis, water slide, waterfalls, cascades with BBQ facilities, gazebos, water lily ponds and sauna rooms
• A clubhouse with reading room, games room, meeting/function room, computer room, cafeteria and health center with spas and sauna.
• Handicap-friendly access to all facilities and units
• Residents gym
• Basketball court

For further viewing please contact farred 013-3652380


Laluan MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang bakal bawa untung TUAN RUMAH

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pada Sabtu berkata perlaksanaan projek aliran transit massa (MRT) di Lembah Klang dijangka menjana Pendapatan Negara Kasar (GNI) antara RM3 bilion dan RM4 bilion setiap tahun dari tahun hadapan hingga 2020, hasil daripada pembinaan dan operasi.

Najib berkata antara RM8 bilion dan RM12 bilion akan dijana melalui limpahan dari kerja-kerja pembinaan.

“Sebanyak RM21 bilion impak peningkatan GNI akan dijana pada tahun 2020 dari penambahan nilai hartanah dan penambahan kadar produktiviti,” katanya.

Jemaah Menteri pada mesyuarat mingguannya semalam telah meluluskan perlaksanaan projek MRT berkenaan di sini, katanya kepada pemberita di Pangkalan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia Subang sebelum berlepas ke Terengganu.

Projek MRT yang merupakan projek infrastruktur yang terbesar di Malaysia adalah satu projek kemasukan ekonomi (EPP) untuk NKEA (Bidang Ekonomi Utama Negara) Greater Kuala Lumpur/Lembah Klang di bawah Program Transformasi Ekonomi (ETP).

Beliau juga berkata projek MRT ini akan menjana 130,000 peluang pekerjaan dalam tempoh masa pembangunannya.

Katanya kerja pembangunan projek tersebut dijangka bermula Julai tahun depan dan akan mengambil masa lima atau enam tahun.

Najib berkata laluan pertama projek MRT ini akan menghubungkan Sungai Buloh dengan Kajang dan akan melalui pusat bandaraya Kuala Lumpur.

“Jarak laluan ini adalah lebih kurang 60km dan 35 stesen akan dibangunkan sepanjang laluan ini. Stesen-stesen integrasi akan dibangunkan di lokasi di mana laluan MRT bersilang dengan laluan KTM Komuter, laluan transit aliran ringan atau light rail transit (LRT) Kelana Jaya dan laluan LRT Ampang,” katanya.

Laluan MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang ini akan memberi perkhidmatan tren yang efisyen kepada kira-kira 1.2 juta penduduk, katanya, sambil menyatakan bahawa MRT itu akan melalui kawasan padat penduduk seperti Kota Damansara, Mutiara Damansara, Bandar Utama, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Bukit Damansara, Cheras, Bandar Tun Hussein Onn dan Balakong.

Katanya lebih daripada 400,000 orang dijangka menggunakan perkhidmatan MRT tersebut setiap hari.

Najib berkata laluan muktamad MRT tersebut serta lokasi stesen masih belum ditetapkan dan kajian pengurusan nilai akan dijalankan untuk menentukan laluan yang muktamad dengan mengambil kira kadar penggunaan yang optima serta pengrealisasian nilai hartanah yang maksima.

Oleh kerana itu, katanya kos projek yang tepat hanya akan dapat ditetapkan setelah kajian tersebut diselesaikan.

“Harga keseluruhan projek ini masih lagi dalam peringkat dihalusi, anggaran awal projek ini dalam tahun 2009 dalam lingkungan RM36 bilion tetapi ini akan tertakluk kepada perubahan apabila sampai pada masanya,” katanya.

Beliau berkata harga terakhir projek tersebut bergantung kepada faktor seperti kontrak-kontrak yang akan ditawarkan melalui tender terbuka, kenaikan harga barangan dan sebagainya.

Najib berkata kerajaan telah memilih laluan Sungai Buloh-Kajang untuk memulakan projek MRT di Lembah Klang kerana koridor ini tidak mempunyai perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam rel yang mencukupi.

Pada masa yang sama, kajian terperinci atas laluan ini telah pun dijalankan kerana laluan ini telah dicadang oleh Syarikat Prasarana Negara Bhd pada tahun 2008 dan juga oleh MMC-Gamuda Joint Venture Sdn Bhd baru-baru ini.

Laluan MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang adalah fasa pertama dalam pembangunan jaringan MRT di Lembah Klang.

Laluan-laluan yang akan dibangunkan pada masa hadapan telah dicadangkan dan kini sedang dikaji di bawah skop Pelan Induk Pengangkutan Awam Bandar yang dijalankan oleh Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat.

Pembangunan laluan yang lain itu akan dilaksanakan dalam beberapa fasa, katanya.

Ditanya mengenai sama ada kerajaan akan mengumumkan projek baru di bawah EPP, Najib berkata terdapat beberapa projek baru yang akan diumumkan Januari tahun depan.

Allah is always by your side, Insha Allah, Insha Allah, Insha Allah


Non Bumi 3 Storey Shop Office at Medan Selayang


Ground Floor = 1399sf RM 805k (nego)

2nd Floor = 1528sf RM 355k (nego)

3rd Floor = 1496sf RM 265k (nego)

Title Type: Strata

Price for ALL 3 Storey shop is RM 1.4 Mil.

All shop is tenented

Please call farred 013-3652380

Project Name:

Medan Selayang Shop Office







Property Type:




Land Area:

22' x 75'

Built Up:

1,399 - 2,455 sq.ft.


Completed With CF

Maintenance Fee:



· Covered Car Park

· 24 hours Security


Price : 1.4 Mil

Nearby Amenities

  • Kheow Bin Chinese Primary School
  • KWSP,
  • KTM Batu Caves
  • Giant Batu Caves
  • Tesco Extra
  • Pasar Borong & etc.


  • Facing MRR2, KLCC & KL Tower view, GENTING view.
  • 15 min to KL city & 30 min to GENTING highland.


  • Direct access to MRR2 & Jalan Kuching which lead to LDP, NKVE, DUKE, KESAS, KL-Seremban highway & Karak

Allah is always by your side, Insha Allah, Insha Allah, Insha Allah


Info Panas dari Orang Bank WHY loan rumah ditolak !!!

Saya yang berkerja di Bank ada beberapa cadangan sebelum anda berkira-kira untuk membeli rumah. Cadangan seperti berikut.

1. Biasanya Bank akan memberi pinjaman kepada siapa yang mampu dari segi kewangan. Cuba anda kira berapakah hutang anda yang sedia ada. Ini termasuk hutang kereta, pinjaman peribadi dan pinjaman perumahan. Hutang anda yang sedia ada dan dicampur dengan hutang yang baru tidak boleh melebihi 50%.

2. Cuba anda pergi ke Bank Negara untuk menyemak kedudukan hutang anda (CCRIS) untuk melihat sama ada anda layak untuk membuat pinjaman baru. Biasanya rekod kewangan anda tercatat dalam maklumat Bank Negara.

3. Cuba semak rekod CTOS anda. Biasanya kita tidak sedar kita mempunyai rekod CTOS. Kebanyankkan pelanggan saya tidak tahu mereka mempunyai CTOS.

4. Satu lagi perkara yang penting bagi pihak Bank untuk melulusakan pinjaman anda ialah dimanakah anda bekerja, berapa lamakah anda bekerja. Faktor pengalaman bekerja amat dititikberatkan oleh pihak Bank. Jika anda berkerja di sektor Kerajaan atau di syarikat-syakit besar biasanya pihak Bank tidak keberatan meluluskan pinjaman anda. Ini kerana mengambil kira faktor kewangan dan kestabilan sesebuah organisasi.

5. Kawasan manakah rumah yang anda ingin beli?. Kebanyakkan pinjaman perumahan ditolak kerana rumah yang anda ingin beli terletak dikawasan yang kurang permintaan, Pemaju yang mempunyai rekod “senarai hitam” & kawasan dimana terdapat banyak rumah yang dilelong.

Allah is always by your side, Insha Allah, Insha Allah, Insha Allah


Shop Office, Alam Avenue, Shah Alam, RM 250,000 (Nego)

"85% complete" 3 Steory + 5 Steory shop office, section 16 along Jalan Padang Jawa , Shah Alam. Freehold, potential in capital appreciation, 10ft extra walkway in homogenuos tiles, easy access, corporate identity in Shah Alam.
Also have multiple storey car park.

Unit No : CP-5

Price : 250,000 (Nego)

Interested please call farred 013-3652380.

Allah is always by your side, Insha Allah, Insha Allah, Insha Allah